冬天好冷: is so beautiful. The visual treatment, animation, character arc -- the whole package! The song would have been cheesy just by itself but when it is coupled with the pure joy of a small child, it becomes incredibly moving. I have watched this film three times and I managed to be impressed by the small details and big emotional reliefs each time.
白开水ちゃん:威尼斯主竞赛# 观影过程中不时联想到R&M Episode Anatomy Park:牧羊老人的身体具像化为机械战警2013穴本身不断深入黑暗阴冷的深渊探照与医生检查老人眼睛的灯光形成了蒙太奇的关系地质探索某种程度上也是对人类内心世界的探索现代文明与古老自然的平行相向燃烧过后的灰烬与见底的机械战警2013穴力证了万物生命的同一归途电视机里的摩天大楼似乎是柏拉图式的机械战警2013穴之喻究竟哪种影像才是惟一真实的事物呢
飞雨云青:当年看完之后特别想去澳门的水舞间看看 可惜一直没有机会